say sorry

We all have things in our lives that we regret, people we may have hurt, and relationships that we have lost because of our mistakes. Whether they were intentional at the time or not, owning up to your past mistakes and admitting when you’re wrong is vital to becoming the best version of yourself possible. When you say sorry to someone you take accountability for your actions, which goes a long way in possibly mending your relationship.

You might think that it’s easier to suppress the guilt or hurt that you felt from losing someone you once cared about. However, the truth is, that it always stays with you and can resurface at any moment.

Learning to say sorry to the people you have hurt in your life and your past will help you to move on from the negative emotions created by the situation. Furthermore, it could potentially help to mend broken friendships and relationships. Therefore, swallowing your pride and saying sorry to the people you have wronged will give you a massive sense of relief. It can help to restore important relationships that you have lost.

Here are just a few reasons why you should reach out to someone you’ve hurt and say sorry…

Say Sorry it Will Give You a Sense of Relief

Acknowledging your mistakes and apologising for them will give you a massive sense of relief. You can’t just run away from things that make you feel uncomfortable in life. Instead, you need to face the problems head-on and learn how to move forward positively. Therefore, saying sorry to someone that you’ve hurt will relieve your stress and anxiety about the situation and you’ll feel better when you’ve done it.

Even if the other person doesn’t accept your apology, you’ll get closure on the situation and won’t be stressing, overthinking, or thinking what if? Additionally, when you say sorry to someone you’ve hurt, you won’t feel as guilty about the situation and you can begin to move on with your life.

Knowing that you’ve tried and that you’ve apologised for your actions will make your life easier and feel more comfortable. You won’t be on edge about bumping into them or crossing paths in the future.

It can also give you a massive sense of relief if the person accepts your apology and you can start rebuilding a relationship with them again.

You Need to Take Accountability for Your Actions

It’s so easy to just block out negative things that we’ve done in the past from our thoughts. Suppressing our mistakes and the fact that we’ve hurt someone we once cared about isn’t healthy and will eat away at you subconsciously. Therefore, you need to take accountability for your actions and say sorry to someone that you have wronged.

Let go of your pride and your ego and just say sorry. It gives them the chance to forgive you and the possibility for you to restore your relationship in the future. Taking accountability for your actions shows that you’re acknowledging that you were wrong and you’ve learned from your mistakes.

Life’s Too Short to Fall Out With People

Holding onto past grudges and falling out with people only hurts you in the long run. You may pretend that you’re over it or you don’t really care but deep down if you know you’re in the wrong, you need to say sorry to the other person to truly move on in your life.

Life’s too short to fall out with the people you care about and to hold grudges about the past. Saying sorry to someone that you’ve hurt will make you feel better and the other person as well.

People can change and owning up to your past mistakes will show that you’ve grown as a person and want to move on from the negative situation.

You don’t want to wake up one day and regret not mending a relationship with someone you cared about because you were too stubborn to say that you were sorry.

Saying Sorry Can Help You Mend Broken Relationships

Apologising to someone that you’ve hurt, shows them that you acknowledge their feelings and that you care about them. Furthermore, saying sorry to someone can help you to mend important relationships. Remember, an apology can go a long way toward relieving conflict and tension.

It shows the other person that you value them and they are more important to you than your pride. This goes a long way towards beginning to heal broken relationships.

Say Sorry- It Helps You to Grow

Being able to say you’re sorry to someone you’ve wronged shows a great sense of maturity. Furthermore, it shows that you’re willing to be the bigger person and swallow your pride.

After you’ve fallen out with someone you need to stop being stubborn. Take a step back and look at the situation objectively. If you value, love, and respect the other person and want them in your life, then saying sorry shows a huge sense of growth and maturity on your side.

It will help to show them that you won’t repeat the behaviour. Also, that you’ve realised your mistakes, and that you want to move forward and improve the situation.

Being able to admit when you’re wrong and to own up to it shows that you’re growing as a person. It also shows that you want to live a positive life with healthy and happy relationships.


It’s not always easy to admit that you’re at fault and to apologise for your actions. You may feel guilty, ashamed, or embarrassed about the situation. However, when you say you’re sorry for what you’ve done these feelings will soon fade.

It’s better to say you’re sorry to someone and have an uncomfortable conversation than lose them from your life. You don’t want to miss them and regret not saying sorry and mending the relationship.

Furthermore, saying sorry to someone you’ve hurt and taking accountability for your actions. It will help you to grow and improve as a person.

Reach out to someone that you’ve wronged and apologise. You’ll feel a whole lot lighter and will have a sense of closure about the situation, no matter how the other person takes your apology. You’ll be able to move on with your life and may be able to save a friendship or relationship that is important to you.

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