
Decluttering a drawer in your house will not only tidy your environment but it will do wonders for your mind and productivity levels. Spending just a little time to clear out one of your cluttered drawers will help you in many different areas of your life subconsciously.

Not only will the process make you feel more organised, structured, and in control but it will give you a sense of relief and calmness. Therefore, take some time and clear out one of your drawers today. Whether it’s a clothes drawer, desk drawer, junk drawer, or kitchen drawer it can…

Motivate You to Do More

I always find that if I’m procrastinating with my to-do list, then starting off doing something small like quickly tidying or organising my workspace, drawer, or wardrobe, helps me to get into a productive mindset.

Something as simple as de-cluttering one drawer can have a massive knock-on effect for the rest of your day. Furthermore, it will help to motivate you to keep achieving things off your to-do list.

Decluttering will Make You More Focused

If you tidy your environment this helps to calm your mind. Moreover, it will make you more focused and switched on. Subconsciously, you’ll feel clearer and have less distraction from the task at hand.

Additionally, it helps to take a weight off your mind and make you feel less stressed. It will make you feel more in control of your life because everything is organised and structured.

Create More Space

Clearing out a drawer in your house will help you to create more space and de-clutter your room. This will free up space for things that may be lying around your house.

Ask yourself if you really need/use the items that you find and be honest with yourself. If the answer is no then why are you hanging on to things that you no longer need?

Help You Make Some Cash by Decluttering

If you take some time to clear out your drawers you never know what you may find and what you could sell or donate to charity. If you’re never going to wear or use something then what’s the point of having it sit in your drawer?

Give your old things a new lease of life and make some extra cash at the same time. You could sell your unwanted items on eBay, Gumtree, vinted, at a car boot sale, or countless other ways!


Organising and de-cluttering your drawers will help you to find things faster. Moreover, it will create more space and save you time in the long run because everything will have its place.

You never know what hidden gems you may find that you’ve forgotten about. Old photos, your old favourite retro t-shirt, your old stuffed toy from when you were little, etc. Therefore, not only will you be tidying your environment but you will change your mindset to be more productive and motivated.

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