this is my year

It’s time for you to start changing the narrative of your life and to stop playing small or feeling like a victim and everything is against you. You need to start telling yourself “This is my year!” and believe it. When you think negatively and like things will never improve for you, then you drain yourself and attract negative energy into your life. Therefore, you don’t take inspired action towards your goals because you think “What’s the point”, “I’ll never get what I want”, “Things never work out for me” etc.

You need to change your story and believe that this is the turning point in your life. Believe that everything you’ve experienced up until now is irrelevant and in the past. You did the best that you could have done at the time with where you were in your life. Your past does not define you. Remember, it’s never too late to start over and achieve everything you want in your life. You can have everything you want and that you set your mind to. You just have to believe in yourself.

When you wake up every morning and before you go to sleep every night tell yourself, “This is my year!”. However, you need to truly believe it when you say it and feel the feelings of everything you want to happen this year coming true. Additionally, think about everything you want to improve, change, or achieve this year. Then, picture yourself at the beginning of next year looking back at all the amazing things you’ve done and how far you’ve come.

Telling yourself every day that this is your year will change your mindset to be more positive and energised. It’s motivating, and uplifting and it attracts positive outcomes into your existence. You get what you put out into the world. So, when you expect good things, good things will happen to you.

Tell Yourself “This is My Year!”

If you truly believe that this will be your year then you will do everything in your power to make it so. You’ll make the right decisions, you’ll take the right risks, you’ll change your bad habits, and you’ll embody new positive daily habits. It will encourage you to do the work needed to reach your goals. You want to become aligned with the person who has the things that you want. Then, you will start to attract everything you want into your reality because you will be embodying the traits and practices of your future self who has everything you want.

You have all the power to change your life positively and you create your reality. Start taking positive steps towards reaching all of your goals and always keep your end goals in sight.

Make a list of everything you want to achieve this year and revise it every morning and night. When your goals are at the forefront of your mind you will make decisions that are aligned with your desires.

Start being your biggest supporter and believe in yourself and the universe. Tell yourself every day that “This is my year!” and really believe that it is true. It will help you when you’re having a bad day because you won’t focus your energy on what’s gone wrong. Or, think that you’re doomed or you’ll never reach your goals. You will remember that this is going to be your year. Everything is unfolding exactly as it should be. You will reach all of your goals if you stick with them and believe in yourself.


When you tell yourself “This is my year!” and fully believe it, you will do what’s necessary for you to reach this truth.

Your positive mindset will attract new opportunities and situations into your life to make this your reality. We get what energy we put out into the world. So, when you feel deserving of everything you want you will attract this into existence.

You need to start becoming your biggest supporter and view the world as an amazing place full of endless positive outcomes. You can literally have anything you set your mind to. However, you just need to start believing in yourself and your capabilities first.

Reminding yourself daily that this is your year, will help you to remain focused and positive about your life and where it’s headed. It will help you to pick yourself up quickly when you fall and see the bigger picture in your life.

You will get there and reach all of your goals if you’re persistent and believe in yourself.

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