worst thing to happen

Losing someone or something you could never envision your life without can feel like the end of the world. When the worst thing happens, you feel like you can’t go on with life. Furthermore, you feel like you will never be happy again and that you failed in some way because it didn’t work out.

You can second guess and question yourself about where you went wrong or what you could have done differently. You may feel like there’s nothing worth fighting for anymore and everything loses meaning.

But I’ve learned that losing everything in life isn’t the end of the world. You can overcome anything and come back stronger and happier than ever. You just need to put the work in and believe in a positive future.

The “worst” thing to happen to you could turn out to be the best thing to ever happen to you in disguise. We might not always get what we want in life and things don’t always work out how we’ve envisioned. However, you will always attract even better things into your life in the future. Ultimately, you will come out on top and where you’re supposed to end up.

You have the choice to see the failure as an excuse to give up on your hopes, dreams, finding love, etc. Or, you can see it as the gift that it is, a blank canvas. You can start creating an even better future for yourself with only your happiness and yourself to focus on and answer to.


Losing everything or going through struggles in your life can turn out to be the best thing for you. It will help you to learn, grow, and develop into your future self, who will be a lot more resilient, stronger, and happier.

The universe always has your back and is guiding you to where you’re meant to be. Even if you can’t see the reasons why at the minute, in a few months or even a year from now you will look back and think to yourself “Ah, that is why that happened”, and you will be grateful.

The worst thing to happen to you, more often than not, turns out to be the best thing. It helps you to learn, grow, become stronger, etc and if you can get through the worst thing you thought could ever happen to you, then your perspective of yourself and life will change.

You will become more confident, fearless, motivated, and self-assured. Consequently, you won’t settle for any less than you deserve. Furthermore, you won’t let things stand in your way or live in fear because you’ve already overcome something huge in comparison.

You can honestly overcome anything in your life. Indeed, you have the ultimate power and control over your thoughts, actions, and reactions to situations that are thrown your way. Moreover, you can turn a bad situation into a positive one if you look for positive ways and opportunities to push you forward in life.

You get to choose how you react and what you do with the situation you are given, don’t allow it to drag you down or get the better of you. Pick yourself up, try a little harder each day to move forward, and work towards your new and exciting future.

worst thing to happen

Journal Prompts to Move Forward Quickly

What’s waiting for you is better than what you’re leaving behind. You don’t know what new and exciting opportunities will come your way now that you’re not remaining stagnant in the situation you were in anymore.

The worst thing to happen to you could be the best thing. If something was truly meant for you, then you wouldn’t lose it. Therefore, you are now free to find what is meant for you. Just think how much happier you’ll be when you get there.

You have the choice of how to react to anything that is thrown your way in life. Therefore, choose to look for the positives that can come out of the situation and ask yourself…

  1. How do I want to react to this situation?
  2. What would the best version of me do?
  3. Is there anything I can learn from this situation?
  4. What positive new habits can I do to start to fill up my time?
  5. Will this matter in a year from now?

These journal prompts will help you to see the bigger picture and focus on the positives you can take from the situation.


You are stronger and more capable than you think to overcome anything that comes your way. Just keep moving forward, start asking yourself what you truly want to create in your life, and focus on positive steps to help you get there.

Remember, that with each day that passes you are moving closer to where you’re supposed to be, doing what you’re meant to be doing and with who you’re meant to be with. Use that fact as comfort and encouragement to keep moving forward.

Life is worth living and just think how exciting the thought is that your best days are yet to come. I promise you that you can get through anything in life. Sometimes the worst thing to happen to you turns out to be the best thing. Have faith in the timing of your life and move forward quickly and positively.