Treating people the way you want to be treated is vital for your self-development and growth as a person. Building better relationships is important for your self-development journey. However, it can be hard when people don’t treat you right, criticise you, and put you down. However, holding onto anger, resentment, jealousy, or hurt, just ends up hurting you and doesn’t change how they treat you.
Remember, you cannot change other people’s behaviour, actions, and words. However, you can change how you react to them and how you let them affect you. You never know where life will take you or what the future holds for you. You may re-meet people down the line in your life in unexpected ways. So, treating everyone with kindness and respect is valuable and the best way to live.
Here are some important reasons why you should treat people how you want to be treated…
You Get What You Give– Building Better Relationships
It’s true that you get what you give in life. Therefore, whatever energy you put out into the world will eventually come back to you. We are like magnets and whatever you think about, how you act, and how you talk to others will be mirrored back to you over time.
If you stay in an abusive relationship for years and don’t walk away, then you are telling the other person it’s ok for them to treat you that way. Moreover, because you didn’t leave for so long you will attract negative relationships in the future if you don’t expect respect. Likewise, if you’re known in the office to be moody, selfish, and stubborn, then people will treat you with a lack of respect and won’t want to be around you or promote you.
You need to treat others how you would like to be treated yourself if you want to be treated with respect and kindness yourself.
You Don’t Know What People are Going Through
Everyone gets so caught up in themselves and their lives that sometimes they forget that other people may be struggling or hurting themselves. You never really know what struggles people have or what is going on behind closed doors. So, it’s important to treat others kindly always. You don’t know how much something you say may affect someone else if they’re going through a hard time.
Even if you’re struggling yourself and are feeling really low; you can still always treat people with respect and kindness. Don’t take your bad mood, insecurities, jealousy, etc out on other people. It’s not going to make you feel any better about yourself or the situation. Furthermore, you don’t know the effect it could have.
Being Negative Only Hurts Yourself
If someone has done you wrong either by cheating on you, firing you, bullying you, constantly putting you down, etc, then trying to hurt them or get them back is only going to end up hurting yourself in the long run.
You may think that revenge will help you to get over the situation and feel better about it. However, the truth is that you’re only bringing more negativity and bad vibes into your life.
It’s pointless holding on to anger, hurt, or resentment because of how someone’s treated you. It doesn’t change anything other than lowering your mood even further. Therefore, choose to let go of the situation and move on with your life. You will attract more positive outcomes to yourself the more positivity you put out into the world.
Putting Other People Down, Won’t Lift You Up
If you put other people down to make yourself feel good or better about yourself then you will always feel unfulfilled. Putting people down or belittling others doesn’t make you a better person than them. In fact, it makes you a lesser person because confident and happy people don’t need to try and be better than others.
If you start bigging everyone up around you and praising people then you will start to get the same back. Positivity and kindness are contagious. Therefore, start complimenting people, praising others, and helping people and your life will be happier and more fulfilled.
Building Better Relationships: You Don’t Know When You’ll Meet Again
It’s important to treat people how you want to be treated in life and building better relationships will enable you to do this. This will enable you to live a happy and positive life. Also, you never know when you’ll meet them again down the road. Building better relationships with the people you meet will help you to navigate through life more positively.
No one knows what the future holds and that kid that you bullied in school may be the CEO of that firm you really want to work for or they may end up marrying your brother etc.
If you’re kind and polite to everyone you meet then you know that the future will hold great things for you. Therefore, you won’t need to worry about awkward encounters with people you’ve wronged in the past.
How Do You Want to be Remembered?
When you’re old and grey how do you want to be remembered? Building better relationships with others will help you to leave a positive effect on others. People always remember how you made them feel. They may forget what job you did, how much you earned etc but they’ll always remember good memories and feelings.
Do you want to be remembered for being rude and selfish because you stepped over anyone and anything to get to the top of your career? Or, do you want to be remembered as being kind and fun to be around because you were caring and treated everyone with respect?
Respect is earned in life and not just given to everyone. Therefore, talk to everyone you meet how you would want to be talked to and you will go far in life.
“You have to treat people the way you want to be treated, because ultimately, you’re not going to get anywhere if you’re just mean to people.”– Selena Gomez
Even if people don’t treat you with the same respect you show them, rise above it and walk away. You can’t change other people’s behaviour but you can change yours and how you respond to people. Therefore, keep your dignity and class always, even if people are treating you badly. Instead, choose to move on and surround yourself with positivity and people who treat you right.
Building better relationships is simple and will help you to grow during your personal development journey. You never know what the future will bring but it won’t be positive if you don’t treat other people with respect and kindness. Always remember to treat other people how you’d want to be treated yourself. Talk to others how you’d want them to talk to you and show everyone respect.
Let go of old grudges and hurt and decide to move on with your life. It’s pointless dwelling on the past and we only live once. So, live your life to the fullest and be happy.
“Always treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned not given.”– Unknown
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